Economy Previous Year’s Mains Questions Topics Wise


1-Green Accounting. 2

2-Millennium Development Goals. 2

3- BRIC Nations. 2

4- Prashant Chandra Mahalnobis. 2

5- What is Global Business Competitive Index? 4

6- What is difference between Cash Reserve Ratio and Statuary Liquidity Ratio? How are they usefull in control of inflation? 4

7-Explain the plastic money. 4

8- What are the indicators for identification of  ‘ Below Poverty Line’ (BPL) families? 6

9- Discuss the advantages of the proposed ‘ Goods and Service Tax’. 6





10- Future Trading 2

11- Explain the Special Economic Zone. 4

12- What are the main reasons of inflation ? Analyse them especially in the present Indian Prespective and discuss with sugessions. 6


13- Value Added Tax.  2

14- What do you understand by trade related  “ Intellectual Property Rights” . What will be its impact on Indian Trade. 6


15- What is Ecomarc. 4

16- Explain the use of small and cottage industries in Indian economy. 6


17-Explain TRYSEM. 4

18- Define the integrated rural development programme and its functions. 6


19- Credit Squeeze. 4


20- Industrial Financial Institutions of India. (any four) 4


21- Small scale industries. 2

22- Economic Liberalization in India. 4

23- P.S.U. Disinvestment. 4


24- Mixed Economy. 4



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