15-16-08-21 Daily-Punjab-PPSC Current Affairs

Punjab Affairs

Punjab pushes for proposal to start project in Ludhiana with Centre

Punjabindustries department has recommended the common fund for commodities (CFC) projectproposalof modern printing and packaging cluster in Ludhiana to the ministry of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSME) under the scheme micro and small enterprises cluster development programme.

Under this scheme, the central government provides assistance of 70-90% of theprojectcost of maximum project cost of Rs 20 crore depending upon the number of micro units for setting up of CFC and the balance is to be contributed by the special purpose vehicle or the .

Punjab industries minister Sunder Sham Aora said this CFC will provide EMPLOYMENT opportunities to about 5,750 people and generate direct and indirect export up to Rs 20 crore. About 630 MSME units will benefit in terms of increased productivity and quality, he added. The project is being implemented under the formation of a SPV, which has arranged the land at Gaunspur village industrial zone in Ludhiana. The project is coming up with an Investment of Rs 20 crore, out of which Rs 16 crore would be spent on machinery and equipment. The state industries department has identified 14 projects under this scheme, out of which two CFCs have been completed and four projects are in advanced stages of implementation where final approvals have already been provided by the central government.

National and International Affairs

Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Rural Districts

The government of India has made a option for opening Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in each of the rural districts across the country.

About Krishi Vigyan Kendra:

Krishi Vigyan Kendras usually regarded as KVKs are the agricultural science centres established as innovative establishments for imparting vocational coaching to the practising farmers, faculty dropouts and area stage extension functionaries.

The eleventh National Krishi Vigyan Kendra Conference used to be held in New Delhi in February 2020.

The 1st Krishi Vigyan Kendra, on a pilot basis, was hooked up in 1974 at Puducherry (Pondicherry) under the administrative management of the Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore.

All KVKs are under the jurisdiction of one of the 11 Agricultural Technology Application Research Institutes (ATARIs) for the duration of India.

Release of Global Youth Tobacco Survey

The Health Minister launched the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS-4).


More than 29% of college students in India were uncovered to second-hand smoke.

There has been a 42% decline in tobacco use among 13-15-year-old schoolchildren in the past decade.

Use of any structure of tobacco was once greater amongst boys

States with the perfect use among schoolchildren: Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram

States with the lowest use amongst schoolchildren: Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka.

38% of cigarettes, 47% of bidi people who smoke and 52% of smokeless tobacco users initiated the use before their tenth birthday.

Internet Governance Forum of India

India will host the first Internet Governance Forum in the country.

The discussion board is an Internet Governance coverage dialogue platform to convey representatives together from a number of groups, considering all at par to talk about public policy issues related to the Internet.

This Multi-Stakeholder thought is adopted by IGF beneath United Nations and by the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).

Significance: As India is the second-largest broadband subscription country in the world and additionally has the absolute best facts consumption per person per month, with IIGF, the aspirations of the Indians would be reflected in International coverage formation and stakeholder discussion.

Fit India Freedom Run Launched by the Government

Union Minister of Youth affairs launched a nationwide programme called fit India freedom Run 2.0 on 13th august in order to celebrate Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav.


The program has been launched at 75 iconic locations, will be concluded on October 2.

People from each district in which village can participate in this freedom Run movement, In the freedom, Run 1.0 people of 5 crores had joined and in this number has increased to 7.5 crores. India freedom Run 2.0 flagged off from Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium in New Delhi.

The freedom Run will be organised across 744 districts and 30,000 educational institutions in India.

Chandrayaan 2 Discovers Water Molecules on the Moon

Orbiter of the Chandrayaan 2 of the Indian Space Research Organisation has detected water Molecules on the surface of the moon.


From the view of researchers that there was widespread lunar hydration and also unambiguous detection of H2O signatures in between 29 degrees north and 62 degrees north latitudes on the moon.

Chandrayaan 2 Mission was launched by ISRO in 2019 which suffered a tragic crash when the lander got damaged.

However, its orbiter has helped in many new discoveries in this mission.

The aim is to study not just one area of the Moon but combining the exosphere as well including the surface and subsurface of the Moon.

World Airport Award Ranking by Skytrax

The Skytrax World Airport Award ranking for the year 2021 was published. In the report, Indira Gandhi International Airport of Delhi has emerged among worlds top-50 best in the 2021.


Delhi Airport emerged as best airport in the country for the 3rd consecutive year.

Mumbai, Hyderabad, & Bengaluru have found a rank among worlds top 100 best airports.

In the world airports Awards list 2021, Delhi has been ranked at 45th place. It has improved as compared to number 50 in 2020. Delhi airport is 1st Indian airport to achieve this mark.

Hyderabad has been positioned at 64th place. Its raking has been improved against 71st in 2020.

Mumbai is positioned at 65th number, besides getting 52nd place in 2020.

Top-5 airports of the world: Doha Hamad International Airport, Tokyo Haneda airport, Changi Airport Singapore, Seoul Incheon International Airport and Tokyo Narita.

Skytrax is a UK-based consultancy, running an airline & airport review and also ranking site.

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