Falling Rupee Value

 Falling Rupee Value Exchange rate is the price of foreign currency (USD, Yen, Euro, Pound etc) in terms of domestic currency (rupee) i.e. amount of domestic currency needed to buy one unit of foreign currency. Currently price of 1$ = 53.74, which means 1$ can be purchased in exchange of 54. Exchange rate … Read more Falling Rupee Value


 SKILL DEVELOPMENT Introduction India is passing through the phase of demographic transition which could be the biggest opportunity or the biggest concern of the country depending upon the utilization of its huge work force. India adds 12 million people to its workforce annually, but very few have any formal skill training. Today, less … Read more SKILL DEVELOPMENT

Employment Trend

 JOB CREATION   As outlined in the NITI Aayog’s Action Agenda, India suffers more from the problem of underemployment (i.e. low-productivity, low-wage jobs) than unemployment as for example: In 2011-12, agriculture engaged nearly 50% of the workforce but contributed 15% to GDP In 2010-11, within manufacturing, small firms employed 72% but output was … Read more Employment Trend

Industrial Sector

 Industrial Sector- Growth and recent trends Trends in Industrial growth Phase one Which had laid the basis for industrial development in the future. The second plan, basedon Mahalanobis model, emphasized the development of capital goods industries and basic industries. Accordingly huge investments were made in industries like iron andsteel, heavy engineering etc the … Read more Industrial Sector

Problems Of Agricultural Labour

 Problems of Agricultural Labour Agricultural labourers who are mostly landless and form a significant section of rural society mainly depend on wage employment in agriculture. Majority of them belong to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and among the worst exploited section of society.  Unlike the industrial worker who are well organised agricultural labourers … Read more Problems Of Agricultural Labour

Child Labour

 Child labour The term “child labour” is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development. It refers to work that: is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children; and interferes with their schooling by: … Read more Child Labour