Land Reforms

 Land reforms Land reform is a broad term. It refers to an institutional measure directed towards altering the existing pattern of ownership, tenancy and management of land. It entails “a redistribution of the rights of ownership and/or use of land away from large landowners and in favour of cultivators with very limited or … Read more Land Reforms

Export Promotion

 Export Promotion Government of India has liberalized the schemes for export oriented units and export processing Zones. Agriculture, Horticulture, poultry, fisheries and dairies have been included in the export oriented units. Export processing zones have been allowed to export through trading and star trading houses and can have equipment on lease. These units … Read more Export Promotion

Sectoral Composition With Respect To Contribution To Gross Domestic Product

 Sectoral Composition with respect to contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Employment Historically, India has classified and tracked its economy and GDP in three sectors: agriculture, industry and services. Agriculture includes crops, horticulture, milk and animal husbandry, aquaculture, fishing, sericulture, aviculture, forestry and related activities. Industry includes various manufacturing sub-sectors. India’s definition … Read more Sectoral Composition With Respect To Contribution To Gross Domestic Product

Human Development Index

 Human Development Index The HDI is an average measure of basic human development achievements in a country measured by UNDP. It is an average of long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human development viz. a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living. India has been placed … Read more Human Development Index

Natural Resources

 Natural resources, their sustainable management and conservation A natural resource is something that is found in nature and can be used by people. Earth’s natural resources include light, air, water, plants, animals, soil, stone, minerals, and fossil fuels. People need some natural resources to stay alive. They use others to make their lives … Read more Natural Resources

MNREGA And Community Power Structure

 MNREGA and community power structure Several rural development programmes were initiated in India during 1950s and 1960s. These programmes, popularly known as community development programmes, regarded rural people as beneficiaries but not participants in the development process. They were centrally designed and were implemented by extension agents using a top-down mode of decision-making. … Read more MNREGA And Community Power Structure

Liability Based On Fault

 Liability based on fault Fault liability requires some basis to determine whether someone was negligent, i.e. at fault for the harm he caused. Briefly, that would require:   Duty Breach of that duty Proximate cause Actual cause Damages For example, if you were in a car accident, the fact that you were speeding … Read more Liability Based On Fault

Automobile Industries Of India

 Automobile Industries of India The Indian auto industry became the 4th largest in the world with sales increasing 9.5 per cent year-on-year to 4.02 million units (excluding two wheelers) in 2017. It was the 7th largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in 2017. The Two Wheelers segment dominates the market in terms of volume owing … Read more Automobile Industries Of India

Alternative Policy Initiatives In Agricultural Marketing

 Alternative policy initiatives in agricultural marketing More than three-fifths of India’s population draws their livelihood from agriculture that adds just one-fifth to its GDP. There should be obvious serious concerns about efficient functioning of this sector both in terms of its output / productivity and its marketing. While output and productivity are supply … Read more Alternative Policy Initiatives In Agricultural Marketing