Institutions Of Developmental Finance

 Institutions of developmental finance A Development Financial institution (DFI) is defined as “an institution endorsed or supported by Government of india primarily to provide development/Project finance to one or more sectors or sub-sectors of the economy. the institution differentiates itself by a thoughtful balance between commercial norms of operation, as adopted by any … Read more Institutions Of Developmental Finance


 Fisheries: ‘Fisheries’ sector is becoming a subsector of Primary sector with consistently increasing contribution to the state economy. The state government envisages development in fisheries sector with a multi pronged strategy with essential focus on increasing fish production and thereby ensure sustainable development. Development of fisheries through effective value chain and boosting exports, … Read more Fisheries

Manufacturing Policy Of India

 Manufacturing policy of India The Government of India has announced a National Manufacturing Policy with the objective of enhancing the share of manufacturing in GDP to 25% within a decade and creating 100 million jobs. The National Investment & Manufacturing Zones (NIMZs) are an important instrumentality of the manufacturing policy. The NIMZs are … Read more Manufacturing Policy Of India


 Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act The FRBM Act 2003 in its amended form was passed by the government to bring fiscal discipline and to implement a prudent fiscal policy. High fiscal deficit was the one major macroeconomic problem faced by Indian economy around 2000. It was argued that high deficits lead to … Read more FRBM Act

Pattern Of Revenue Expenditure

 Pattern of Revenue Expenditure In India, government expenditure – as per the provision in the Constitution – is divided into revenue expenditure and capital expenditure. However, the adoption of economic planning shifted emphasize on the division of expenditure into Plan and Non-Plan. The share of Non-Plan expenditure has remained close to 70% and … Read more Pattern Of Revenue Expenditure


 ORIGIN The Department of Agriculture has been created mainly to provide Agricultural Extension services to farmers and to transfer the latest technical knowledge to the farming community, introduction of high yielding varieties, laying demonstrations, imparting training to farmers to improve skills & knowledge to boost up the agricultural Production and productivity. The other … Read more AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT


 SKILL DEVELOPMENT Introduction India is passing through the phase of demographic transition which could be the biggest opportunity or the biggest concern of the country depending upon the utilization of its huge work force. India adds 12 million people to its workforce annually, but very few have any formal skill training. Today, less … Read more SKILL DEVELOPMENT

Government Market Borrowings

 Government market borrowings, loans and grants There are two types of borrowings : Internal borrowings External borrowings There is third mean of public loan i.e. other liabilities Internal borrowings Internal debt or domestic debt is the part of the total government debt in a country that is owed to lenders within the country. … Read more Government Market Borrowings