Simon Commission (1927)- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Indian Statutory Commission chaired by Simon to go into the question of further constitutional reform All its seven members were Englishmen. Clement Attlee was one of the members. Lord Birkinhead was the secretary of state at that time At its Madras session in 1927 INC decided to boycott the commission “at every stage and in … Read more Simon Commission (1927)- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Emergence of Socialism-

Emergence of socialism in the 1920s in the nationalist ranks JL Nehru and SC Bose Raised the question of internal class oppression by capitalists and landlords MN  Roy became the first Indian to be elected to the leadership of the Communist International Muzaffer Ahmed and SA Dange were tried in the Kanpur Conspiracy Case 1925: … Read more Emergence of Socialism-

Emergence of Socialism- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Emergence of socialism in the 1920s in the nationalist ranks JL Nehru and SC Bose Raised the question of internal class oppression by capitalists and landlords MN  Roy became the first Indian to be elected to the leadership of the Communist International Muzaffer Ahmed and SA Dange were tried in the Kanpur Conspiracy Case 1925: … Read more Emergence of Socialism- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Peasant Movements-

Three important peasant movements of the early twentieth century: Kisan Sabha and Eka movements in Avadh in UP Mappila rebellion in Malabar Bardoli Satyagrah in Gujarat The UP Kisan Sabha was set up in February 1918 through the efforts of Gauri Shankar Mishra and Indra Narain Dwivedi with the support of Madan Mohan Malviya. By … Read more Peasant Movements-

Peasant Movements- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Three important peasant movements of the early twentieth century: Kisan Sabha and Eka movements in Avadh in UP Mappila rebellion in Malabar Bardoli Satyagrah in Gujarat The UP Kisan Sabha was set up in February 1918 through the efforts of Gauri Shankar Mishra and Indra Narain Dwivedi with the support of Madan Mohan Malviya. By … Read more Peasant Movements- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

The years of Stagnation- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Gandhiji was arrested in 1922 and sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment. The result was the spread of disintegration, disorganization and demoralization in the nationalist ranks. After a defeat of their resolution of ‘either mending or ending’ in the Congress, CR Das and Motilal Nehru resigned and formed the Congress-Khilafat Swaraj Party in December 1922. … Read more The years of Stagnation- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Struggles for Gurudwara Reform and Temple Entry- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

The Akali movement The movement arose with the objective of freeing the Gurudwaras from the control of ignorant and corrupt priests (mahants). Apart from the mahants, after the British annexation of Punjab in 1849, some control over the Gurudwaras was exercised by Government-nominated managers and custodians, who often collaborated with mahants. The government gave full … Read more Struggles for Gurudwara Reform and Temple Entry- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

The Working Class Movements

There were some working class movements in second half of 19th century. However, they were impulsive and not very well organized. The early nationalists had a lukewarm attitude towards the question of workers. This war because initially Congress wanted to focus on issues which were of common concern to all the people of India. There … Read more The Working Class Movements

The Working Class Movements- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

There were some working class movements in second half of 19th century. However, they were impulsive and not very well organized. The early nationalists had a lukewarm attitude towards the question of workers. This war because initially Congress wanted to focus on issues which were of common concern to all the people of India. There … Read more The Working Class Movements- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Non Co-operation and Khilafat Movement

Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms 1919: Dyarchy In a system called “dyarchy,” the nation-building departments of government — agriculture, education, public works, and the like — were placed under ministers who were individually responsible to the legislature. The departments that made up the “steel frame” of British rule — finance, revenue, and home affairs — were retained by … Read more Non Co-operation and Khilafat Movement