DMPQ: Discuss the steps taken by government of India for the upliftment of women farmers. (economy)

:  with the increase in the feminisation of work force there is a need to give major attention to women farmers. As empowerment will help to amplify their position in social fabric.  The inequality in the land holding pattern can be gauged from the following statistic that only 12.8% of the total operational land holding … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the steps taken by government of India for the upliftment of women farmers. (economy)

DMPQ: What are the main components of good governance?

The three defining indicators that have emerged as main components of good governance, effectively reinforcing democratic principle   Transparency and Accessibility: Transparency is described as the “characteristic of governments, companies, organisations and individuals of being open in the clear disclosure of information rules, plans, processes and actions”.   Accountability and Timelines: Administrative transparency is a … Read more DMPQ: What are the main components of good governance?

DMPQ: Mention the Appointment and term of office of members of Public Service Commission

Appointment and term of office of members as per Article-316 The Chairman and other members of a Public Service Commission shall be appointed, in the case of the Union Commission by the President: Provided that as nearly as may be one-half of the members of every Public Service Commission shall be persons who at the … Read more DMPQ: Mention the Appointment and term of office of members of Public Service Commission

DMPQ: Delegated Legislation is against the ethos of democracy. Critically analyse.

Delegation of powers means the powers passed on by the higher authority to the lower authority to make laws. Delegated legislation means the powers given by the legislature to the executive or administration to enact certain laws. The simple meaning of the expression “delegated expression” may be: When the function of the legislation is entrusted … Read more DMPQ: Delegated Legislation is against the ethos of democracy. Critically analyse.

DMPQ: Explain the importance of the specialized wings of NITI Ayog.

NITI Aayog specialized Wings Research Wing – that will develop in-house sectoral expertise as a dedicated think tank of top domain experts, specialists and scholars.   Consultancy Wing – that will provide a marketplace of whetted panels of expertise and funding for Central and State Governments to tap into; matching their requirements with solution providers, public … Read more DMPQ: Explain the importance of the specialized wings of NITI Ayog.

DMPQ: Explain the provisions for Citizenship in Indian Constitution.

Article 5 made certain persons as Indian citizens at the time of the commencement of Indian Constitution. The first condition to be an Indian Citizen is of „domicile‟ i.e. a person has domicile in the territory of India. The term „domicile‟ has not been defined in the Indian Constitution. „Domicile‟ means the place where a … Read more DMPQ: Explain the provisions for Citizenship in Indian Constitution.

DMPQ: What were the changes brought by British in the administrative structure after the revolt of 1857?

The ‘1857 revolt’ forced the British Government to introduce changes in the structure of army. Several steps were taken to minimize, if not completely eliminate, the capacity of Indian soldiers to revolt. The domination of army by its European branch was carefully granted through raising the proportion of Europeans to Indians and was fixed at … Read more DMPQ: What were the changes brought by British in the administrative structure after the revolt of 1857?

DMPQ: Write a short note on the policies and programs for Scheduled Tribes of India

Educational empowerment Top Class Education for ST Students This is a Central Sector Scholarship Scheme for ST students introduced from the academic year 2007-08 with the objective of encouraging meritorious ST students for pursing studies at Degree and Post Graduate level in any of the Institutes identified by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for the … Read more DMPQ: Write a short note on the policies and programs for Scheduled Tribes of India

DMPQ: Mention the objectives for the formation of all-India services in India.

Apart from the services under the respective state governments, the Constitution has made special provision for the constitution of all-India services as a service common to the Union and the states. Article 312 of the Constitution makes specific provision for the creation of the all-India services by parliament if the council of states has declared … Read more DMPQ: Mention the objectives for the formation of all-India services in India.