DMPQ: Pendency of cases in courts is a serious problem. Discuss the possible ways for addressing this issue.

While 2.84 crore cases are pending in the subordinate courts, the backlog clogging the High Courts and Supreme Court (SC) is 43 lakh and 57,987 cases, respectively. It means near about 3.5 cr cases are pending. This pendency of cases has huge cost on the economy as well as social sector. All these are taking … Read more DMPQ: Pendency of cases in courts is a serious problem. Discuss the possible ways for addressing this issue.

DMPQ: National Judicial data grid

Supreme Court of India launched a public access portal of the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) for district courts to demystify the judicial process for the ordinary citizen.   National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) is a part of the on-going e-Courts Integrated Mission Mode Project. The public access portal will disseminate national, state, district and … Read more DMPQ: National Judicial data grid

DMPQ: What are the areas of concerns in centre and state relationship?

  Appointment of governor. Reservation of bill by governor for President assent. Allegation of use of central agency to serve political vendetta. Appointment of civil servants and Management of All India services. Control over finance. Role of planning commission now NITI aayog in approving state subjects. Appointment of enquiry commissions against the chief minister. Control … Read more DMPQ: What are the areas of concerns in centre and state relationship?

DMPQ: What is corporate governance? What are the importance of corporate governance? (polity)

Corporate governance is the system, principles and group of procedure through which company is governed. It is sum of those principles , ideal values and code which inspire an institution to behave morally and with transparency.   Importance of CG: It is helpful in the increment of transparency, accountability and relevance. To discuss policies among … Read more DMPQ: What is corporate governance? What are the importance of corporate governance? (polity)

DMPQ: Discuss the nature of Fundamental rights. (polity)

  FR’s are not absolute in nature. Except Fundamental rights guaranteed under Articles 20 and 21 remaining Fundamental rights can be suspended during operation of National Emergency. Available against the arbitrary action of the state. FR’s are generally negative in character. Can be amended provided they amendment do not affect the basic structure of the … Read more DMPQ: Discuss the nature of Fundamental rights. (polity)

DMPQ: What are the features borrowed from various constitution?

British Constitution: Parliamentary government, Rule of Law, legislative procedure, single citizenship, cabinet system, prerogative writs, parliamentary privileges and bicameralism. US Constitution: Fundamental rights, independence of judiciary, judicial review, impeachment of the president, removal of Supreme Court and high court judges and post of vice-president.   Irish Constitution: Directive Principles of State Policy, nomination of members … Read more DMPQ: What are the features borrowed from various constitution?

DMPQ: Give an account of the following( Schemes) a) Mahila e-haat b) Sakhi-one stop centres c) Ujjwala scheme

Mahila-e-haat:  It’s an online marketing platform for women. Beneficiary- All Indian women citizens more than 18 years of age and women SHGs.  It’s an initiative for meeting aspirations and need of women entrepreneurs which will leverage technology for showcasing products made/manufactured/sold by women entrepreneurs It has been set up with an investment of under Rs.10 … Read more DMPQ: Give an account of the following( Schemes) a) Mahila e-haat b) Sakhi-one stop centres c) Ujjwala scheme

DMPQ: Give an account of the following a) SAKAAR b) PRAGATI c) Aspirational district programme

 SAKAAR:  Sakaar is Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) Augmented Reality (AR) application designed for Andriod devices. The application consists of 3 Dimensional (3D) models of Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), RISAT, indigenous rockets such as PSLV, GSLV Mk-III etc.     PRAGATI:   PRO-ACTIVE GOVERNANCE AND TIMELY IMPLEMENTATION, Addressing common man’s grievances, and simultaneously monitoring and reviewing … Read more DMPQ: Give an account of the following a) SAKAAR b) PRAGATI c) Aspirational district programme

DMPQ: Police must develop smart tactics to address the changing nature of violence. Why police is in the need of the reforms? ( Governance/polity)

Reasons: Low police officials to population ratio Insensitivity of police towards weaker sections. Women and Dalits are poorly represented in the police personnel. Changing dynamics of crime eg cyber-crime, digital frauds. Corruption in the police system. Lack of civilian trust. Politicization and allegiance towards ruling party. Lack of technological capabilities necessary to perform quality investigations. … Read more DMPQ: Police must develop smart tactics to address the changing nature of violence. Why police is in the need of the reforms? ( Governance/polity)