Modern concepts of Farming

Nature is dynamic. It causes inheritable changes in all living organisms. For thousands of years, farmer around the world have been selecting and conserving varieties of different crop plants that they cultivated. This process has generated a rich wealth of varieties in each crop plant, seen to be most abundant in Subscribe on YouTube countries … Read more Modern concepts of Farming

Agricultural problems in Punjab

Agricultural problems in Punjab Draught and farmers suicide Punjab’s farmers have been facing several issues ranging from improper technology to agricultural loan debts. Punjab is a vast state with varied topography, while there are agriculturally prosperous regions, some regions are severely affected by the frequent droughts. The Punjab government even after introducing and implementing certain … Read more Agricultural problems in Punjab

Broad Physical Feature: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Lakes and Glaciers:-

Broad Physical Feature: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Lakes and Glaciers:-   Landforms are the natural features and shapes existent on the face of the earth. Landforms possess many different physical characteristics and are spread out throughout the planet. Together, landforms constitute a specific terrain and their physical arrangement in the landscape forms what is termed as … Read more Broad Physical Feature: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Lakes and Glaciers:-

Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India)

Indian Industry : An introduction Industry accounts for 26% of GDP and employs 22% of the total workforce. According to the World Bank, India’s industrial manufacturing GDP output in 2015 was 6th largest in the world on current US dollar basis ($559 billion), and 9th largest on inflation-adjusted constant 2005 US dollar basis ($197.1 billion). … Read more Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India)

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