Preliminary Idea Of Medicine And Its Classification

 Preliminary idea of medicine and its classification Medicine is the field of health and healing. It includes nurses, doctors, and various specialists. It covers diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, medical research, and many other aspects of health. Medicine aims to promote and maintain health and wellbeing.  Conventional modern medicine is sometimes called … Read more Preliminary Idea Of Medicine And Its Classification

Transgenic Animals

 Transgenic animals Transgenic animals are animals that have been cloned. The medical and biotechnological uses of animal cloning are almost innumerable, as many diseases have been eradicated thanks to the production of these transgenic animals. Transgenic animals development Since the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953, … Read more Transgenic Animals

Yoga Philosophy

 Yoga Philosophy (Yog Darshan), Astang Yoga Yoga An AYUSH system of medicine includes Indian systems of medicine and Homeopathy. AYUSH is an acronym for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Sowa Rigpa, and Homoeopathy. Yoga is essentially spiritual and it is an art and science of healthy living which focuses on bringing … Read more Yoga Philosophy

India Missile

 India’s Missile program   Introduction India’s missile programme took a shot from space programme, beginning 1967.   In 1972, Rohini- a 560 two-stage, solid propulsion sounding rocket was developed and test fired India first launched its small 17-tonne SLV-3 space booster in 1979 India successfully injected the 35 kg Rohini I satellite into … Read more India Missile

Diseases Communicable Diseases And Epidemic Diseases

 Diseases – Communicable diseases, Endemic diseases Top 10 Causes of Death (Source: WHO World Health Statistics 2012) Ischemic heart disease 12 % Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 11% Stroke 9% Diarrheal disease 6% Lower respiratory infections 5% Preterm birth complications 4% Tuberculosis 3% Self-inflicted injuries 3% Falls 3% Road injuries 2% Communicable diseases Communicable … Read more Diseases Communicable Diseases And Epidemic Diseases

Determinants Of Nuclear Tests

 Determinants of Nuclear Tests: Pokhran I (1974) and Pokhran II (1998) Pokhran 1 test The emergence of China as fifth nuclear power in October 1964 constituted a significant threat to India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. The strained relations between the two countries after the 1962 aggression sparked off an acrimonious debate on defence … Read more Determinants Of Nuclear Tests

Sanitation And Water Disposal (1)

 Sanitation and Water Disposal The seriousness of the challenges associated with urban water supply and sanitation in India have been recognised in recent times. After decades of neglect, the first national effort to invest in the urban water and sanitation sector commenced in the 1970s, but was accorded considerable priority in the subsequent … Read more Sanitation And Water Disposal (1)

Bio Fuel Cultivation And Extraction

 Bio-fuel cultivation and extraction Biofuel is a type of fuel whose energy is derived from biological carbon fixation. Bio‐ fuels include fuels derived from biomass conversion, as well as solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases. Although fossil fuels have their origin in ancient carbon fixation, they are not considered biofuels by the … Read more Bio Fuel Cultivation And Extraction