Daily current affair 14 October 2015 the hindu and indian express

Border infrastructure projects A radical new approach is now being adopted to accelerate projects to unclog the bottlenecks in border areas, along with work on hundreds of other strategic projects, as the Narendra Modi government sharpens focus on creating infrastructure along India’s borders. From the Bharat Mala project (it envisages a road network along India’s land boundary, stretching from … Read more Daily current affair 14 October 2015 the hindu and indian express

Daily current affair 13 October 2015 from hindu and indian express

Uniform Civil Code Article 44 of the Constitution of India states that the state shall endeavor to have a Uniform Civil Code but Directive principles are not mandatory like the fundamental rights. secularism is a basic tenant of the Preamble and the fundamental rights, having a common Civil Code may hamper the secularism in Shah … Read more Daily current affair 13 October 2015 from hindu and indian express

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