Rural development initiatives :Karnataka
Urban Ashraya/Vajpayee Urban Housing Scheme
This is State Sponsored scheme implemented for urban poor and it was introduced by the Government in the year 1991-92. The annual income of the beneficiary is Rs.32,000/-. The beneficiaries are selected by the Ashraya Committee comprising both official and non official members appointed by the Government and this committee is headed by the local MLA.
During 2010-11, the Government of Karnataka has renamed the Urban Ashraya Scheme as Vajpayee Urban Housing Scheme. From 2013- 14 the Government has fixed the unit cost of Rs.2.00 lakhs per house. In this for General Category Rs.1.20 lakhs is provided as subsidy by the State Government, Rs.30,000/- is compulsory beneficiary contribution and balance Rs. 50,000/- is the bank loan or the beneficiary contribution. For SC/ST category Rs.1,50,000/- is provided as a subsidy by the State Government, balance Rs.50,000/- is the bank loan or the beneficiary contribution. For the year 2017-18 the target has been fixed only for generally category. The unit cost per house is Rs.2.00 lakhs, in which Rs.1.20 lakhs is provided as subsidy and Rs.30,000/- is beneficiary contribution and remaining Rs.50,000/- is bank loan.
Western Ghats Development Programme
Western Ghats Development Programme is being implemented in 40 talukas of 11 districts in the State. This programme was earlier a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. But, from the year 2015-16 the Centre has not released any assistance to the programme. The State Government for the year 2017-18 has released a sum of Rs.446.00 lakhs for the programme.
Grama Swaraj Yojana
The World bank assisted Grama SwarajProject-Karnataka Panchayath Strengthening project Rs.600 crores was implemented since 2006-07 to 2013-14. The main objective of the project is to enable people to improve their standard of living condition in 39 most backward taluks, especially providing services as decided and prioritized by the rural people and more emphasis was given for capacity building of Panchayath Raj Institutions. Further it was decided to take up Grama Swaraj Project – Phase II at total cost of Rs.2000.00 crore with World Bank assistance. Preliminary work in this regard like, preparation of operation manual, study on social and environmental protection has been completed. Action is being taken to enter MOU with Government of India and World Bank.
Rural Employment and livelihood in Karnataka
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guaranteed Scheme
MGNREGS is being implemented in all the districts of the Karnataka State since 2006-07. This is being implemented as central sponsored scheme. This is a right based and demand based programme. The core objectives of the scheme are as follows:
- Providing not less than one hundred days of unskilled manual work as a guaranteed employment in a financial year to every household in rural areas as per demand, resulting in evaluation of productive assests of prescribed quality and durability.
- Strengthening the livelihood resource base of the poor.
- Pro actively ensuring social inclusion.
- Strengthening PRIs
MGNREGS in comparison with the erstwhile employment programmes is different, as it has been emerged under the Act. It has a separate salient features which are as follows:
- The MGNREGA has given rise to the largest employment programme in human history and is unlike any other wage employment programme in human history and is unlike any other wage employment programme in its scale, architecture and thrust. Its bottom-up, people-centered, demand-driven, self-selecting, rights based design is distinct and unprecedented.
- The MGNREGA provides a legal guaranteed for wage employment.
- It is a demand based programme where work can be given to the wage seekers on demand.
- Legal provisions are made under the Act to pay unemployment allowance and compensation allowance in case of failure to provide work on demand and delays in payment of wages for the works undertaken.
- Funds will be shared between the GoI & GoK are in the ratio of 90:10 nearly. Labour material ratio shall be maintained at 60:40 labour portion of 60% is fully borne by GoI & Material portion is to be shared between GoI & GoK in ratio of 75:25.
- Participatory planning exercise at each tier of the panchayath shall be conducted every year in the period specified and methodogies laid down by the State Government. All works to be executed by the GPs shall be identified and placed before the Gram Panchayaths and such works which are to be executed by TP or other implementing agencies, shall be placed before the TP or DP along with expected outcomes.
The annual allocation for 2017-18 as approved by the GoI for the labour budget of MGNREGA for Karnataka is Rs. 4169.30 crores and the person days approved for generation of employment for the current year is 1000.00 lakh person days. As at the end of November 2017 an amount of Rs. 2182.26 crores has been spent and 624.84 lakh person days generated through which 15.81 lakh households have been provided employment. During this period 13532 households have completed 100 days of employment.
Karnataka State Rural Livelihood Promotional Society (KSRLPS)
The SGSY scheme has been restructured as DAY-National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAYNRLM). Every State has to establish State Mission to implement this scheme. Accordingly KSRLPS-Sanjeevini society has been established under RD&PR department in the Empowered State. The implementation of the scheme has commenced from 2013-14 in Karnataka. The Committee of the Ministry of Rural Development has approved an Annual Action Plan (2017-18) under NRLP for Rs.15.00 crore (including special project) and under NRLM for Rs.84.00 crore. During 2014-15 20 taluks, and during 2015-16, 64 taluks were covered under the scheme with intensive approach. The remaining 92 taluks in the State are planned to be covered under intensive approach during 2016-17. Under NRLM an amount of Rs. 67.04 Crore has been released and Rs.46.01 Crores expenditure is incurred as end of October 2017. Similarly, under NRLP, Rs. 9.70 Crore has been released and incurred an expenditure of Rs.8.06 crores.
Karnataka State Life Saviour (Good Samaritan)
Training and Incentivisation Scheme The Karnataka State Unorganised Workers Social Security Board is implementing the Karnataka State Life Saviour (Good Samaritan) Training and Incentivisation Scheme from December 2016. During 2016-17, 2701 drivers registered under the Karnataka State Private Commercial Vehicle Accident Benefit Scheme had been trained in the field of First Aid and became Life Saviour. The scheme is being extended to all the 30 Districts across the State this year.
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