General Studies– IV Science & Technology, Environment, Problem Solving & Decision Making

General Studies– IV
Science & Technology, Environment, Problem Solving & Decision Making

Section-1 : Science and Technology
1.1.1 Developments and applications of science and technology
1.1 Science and Technology and their effects in everyday life
1.1.2 Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenization of technology and developing new technology.
1.1.3 Recent developments in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, etc.
1.1.4 Issues relating to intellectual property rights.
1.2 Modern Trends in Life Sciences
1.2.1 Progress of Agricultural Science and its impactIntroduction to Biotechnology and its applications; Veterinary and Animal SciencesLatest developments.
1.2.2 Introduction to and applications of Genetic Engineering & Stem Cell Research
1.2.3 Human Diseases and Microbial infections; Common infections and preventive measures; preventive measures during out breaks; Immunity and vaccination

Section-2: Environment
2.1 Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, Issues related to Climate change; environmental impact assessment
2.2 Water management- Issues in India; Present scenario, Methods and importance of water conservation
2.3 Definition, nature, types and classification of disasters
2.4 Natural Hazards: Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, etc., Risk reduction and mitigation measures
Section-3: Situations in Civil Service -Problem Solving and Decision Making
3.1 Tackling situations of Natural disasters/ Major Accidents/ Law and order, Controlling riots, Handling public protests and dharnas, Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation, Designing Projects, Implementation of National Flagship Schemes/ Programmmes, Public Private Partnership in effective service delivery, Managing and financing Municipal services e.g. Solid waste management, Conservation of natural resources- water, forests, etc, Pollution control, Reviving a loss making PSU, Planning and target achievement, Gender sensitization and women empowerment, Empowerment of vulnerable sections of the society, Improving Education and Enhancing Skill development, Urban settlement- Slums and Housing issues, Managing Issues related to Urban/
A duly structured situation will be presented to the candidates and they will be asked to analyze and suggest their own solution Rural drinking water supply and sanitation, etc.

Faqs on General Studies– IV Science & Technology, Environment, Problem Solving & Decision Making of Punjab

What are the key areas of focus for science and technology development in Punjab?

Punjab focuses on agricultural technology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, information technology, and renewable energy. The state

aims to leverage technology for sustainable development and economic growth.

What are some prominent scientific institutions and research centers in Punjab?

Key institutions include Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST), and Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO). These institutions contribute to research and innovation in various scientific fields.

How is the Punjab government promoting science and technology development?

The government supports research and development, encourages start-ups in technology sectors, and collaborates with academic institutions and industries to foster innovation.

What are the major environmental challenges faced by Punjab?

Punjab faces environmental challenges such as declining groundwater levels, water pollution, air pollution due to stubble burning, and soil degradation due to excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides.

What steps has the Punjab government taken to address these environmental issues?

The government has launched several initiatives, including the Punjab Groundwater Extraction and Conservation Act, the Pani Bachao Paise Kamao scheme, and the promotion of organic farming. It is also focusing on afforestation and renewable energy projects.

How can individuals contribute to environmental conservation in Punjab?

Individuals can contribute by conserving water, reducing pollution, adopting eco-friendly practices, and participating in community initiatives for environmental protection.

What are the key skills required for effective problem-solving and decision-making?

Key skills include critical thinking, analytical ability, logical reasoning, creativity, and the ability to evaluate information and assess risks.

How can problem-solving and decision-making skills be applied in the context of Punjab?

These skills can be applied to address various issues in Punjab, such as finding solutions to agricultural problems, improving governance, managing resources efficiently, and resolving social conflicts.

Are there any specific resources or training programs available for developing these skills in Punjab?

Several educational institutions and training organizations in Punjab offer courses and workshops on problem-solving, decision-making, and critical thinking. Additionally, online resources and platforms can be utilized for self-learning and skill development.


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