Populatio of Punjab

Populatio of Punjab Punjab Population 2011 As per details from Census 2011, Punjab has population of 2.77 Crores, an increase from figure of 2.44 Crore in 2001 census. Total population of Punjab as per 2011 census is 27,743,338 of which male and female are 14,639,465 and 13,103,873 respectively. In 2001, total population was 24,358,999 in which males … Read more Populatio of Punjab

Major tourist places in Punjab

Punjab, famously referred to as ‘The land of five rivers’, is situated in the north western part of India. This fertile land ranks amongst the most ancient civilizations in the world. Punjab is also famous for its religious diversity as it was here many religious movements were initiated. The scenic landscape, rich history and famous … Read more Major tourist places in Punjab

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