Agricultural Production and Cropping Pattern in Punjab

Agricultural Production and Cropping Pattern The total production of foodgrains has increased over the years. It was 192.18 lakh metric tons in 1990-91 and showed increase of 38.95% in 2014-15(P) i.e. 267.03 lakh metric tons. Further, it is estimated that the production of foodgrains would be 286.05(E) lakh metric ton in 2015-16.  The production of … Read more Agricultural Production and Cropping Pattern in Punjab

Agriculture of Punjab

Punjab holds place of pride among the Indian States for its outstanding achievements in agricultural development. The state has witnessed tremendous increase in the agricultural production during the Green Revolution period, mainly due to healthy mix of institutional and technological factors. Agrarian economy, consolidation of landholdings, reclamation of new agricultural lands, development of irrigation, use … Read more Agriculture of Punjab