Rivers and drainage system of Punjab

The word Punjab is made of two words Punj (Five) + Aab (Water) i.e. land of five rivers. It is named so because of the five rivers flowing through this land and these five rivers of Punjab are Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum. Historically, Punjab was the name of the region containing today’s states of Punjab … Read more Rivers and drainage system of Punjab

Vegetation of Punjab

Vegetation  of Punjab:- Introduction:- Plains in the state of Punjab do not have any thick forests, the only available patches are of grass, small bush and shrubs. In the southern east part of state of Punjab and the areas of Hoshiarpur and Multan, the delicious mango fruit is grown. The other varieties of fruits that … Read more Vegetation of Punjab

Soils of Punjab

 Soils of Punjab:-   Definiton of Soil: Soil may be defined as a thin layer of earth crust which serves as a natural medium for the growth of the plants.Soil is our prime natural and economic resource because we derive everything that we need in our life from it. The word “Soil” originated from the … Read more Soils of Punjab

Major tourist places in Punjab

Punjab, famously referred to as ‘The land of five rivers’, is situated in the north western part of India. This fertile land ranks amongst the most ancient civilizations Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube in the world. Punjab is also famous for its religious diversity as it was here many religious movements were initiated. … Read more Major tourist places in Punjab

Major cities of Punjab

At present there are total 168 statutary towns in Punjab and another 69 census towns. Thus there are total 237 towns (or say cities) in Punjab. The list of statutary towns include 10 Municipal Corporations, 96 Municipal Councils, 59 Nagar Panchayats and 3 Cantonment Boards. Bathinda with 21 towns is the district with largest number of towns. Pathankot, … Read more Major cities of Punjab

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