Major cities of Punjab

At present there are total 168 statutary towns in Punjab and another 69 census towns. Thus there are total 237 towns (or say cities) in Punjab. The list of statutary towns include 10 Municipal Corporations, 96 Municipal Councils, 59 Nagar Panchayats and 3 Cantonment Boards. Bathinda with 21 towns is the district with largest number of towns. Pathankot, … Read more Major cities of Punjab

Fairs and Festivals of Punjab

Fairs and Festivals of Punjab Fairs are an exhibition of the living culture of a place. A fair showcases the folklore, folk arts, folk-dances, folk customs and folk tales. Legends can be witnessed in a fair. Culture may be defined as ―Shared learned behavior. It consists of commonly accepted and expected ideas, attitudes, values and … Read more Fairs and Festivals of Punjab

Art Forms of Punjab

Art Forms of Punjab Punjab has a rich culture and heritage. It is famous for its art and craft. The women of Punjab are not only strong and well built, but they also have a simple heart and a creative imagination that enables them to make original and outstanding arts. In the past, the women … Read more Art Forms of Punjab

Punjab Human Development Index

Punjab Human Development Index:- Human Development Index The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index of human development in education, longevity or health, and in access to opportunities measured in per capita incomes, with the present status of districts in these parameters  related  with  certain  absolute achievement positions, or some desirable achievement positions. This … Read more Punjab Human Development Index