Fairs and Festivals of Punjab

Fairs and Festivals of Punjab Fairs are an exhibition of the living culture of a place. A fair showcases the folklore, folk arts, folk-dances, folk customs and folk tales. Legends can be witnessed in a fair. Culture may be defined as ―Shared learned behavior. It consists of commonly accepted and expected ideas, attitudes, values and … Read more Fairs and Festivals of Punjab

Punjab Food security

Punjab Food security Food Security:- Food  security  is  achieved,  when  all  people,  at  all  times,  have  physical,  social  and  economic access  to  sufficient,  safe  and  nutritious  food  to  meet  their directly  needs  and  food  preferences  for  an active  and  healthy  life. Introduction:- Punjab has done its fair share to ensure India’s food security by dedicatedly … Read more Punjab Food security